Mathew is the next speaker I profiled who will be presenting at Conversion Conference London. Mathew specializes in B2B marketing…
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Interview with Kerstin Exner about Conversion Conference
As one the of the many great speakers presenting at Conversion Conference London I was interested to hear about Kerstin’s…
Continue ReadingInterview with @JimSterne about eMetrics London 2013
In preparation heading into eMetrics London I reached out Jim Sterne the founder of the conference to quiz him on…
Continue ReadingInterview with Travellers Point Co-Founder Peter Daams
I was always interested in what it takes to run Travellers Point a large travel blog platform and what it means…
Continue ReadingiPad News Apps FLUD the Market
Looking around at how developers have started to use the iPad for content delivery, it seems like some are just…
Continue ReadingInterview with David Coallier of CloudSplit
Last month’s IT news seemed filled with articles about the possible failure of cloud computing and questions whether the cloud…
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