iDate 2012 – Down Under

I spoke at iDate 2012 in Sydney in November 2012 on Content Marketing: Building Better Relationships and Natural Link Love

  1. CONTENT MARKETING Building Better Relationships and Natural Link Love
  3. RED BULL – THE RED BULLETIN • It’s important to consider content consumption beyond the desktop. Understand that while not everyone has resources to produce a monthly magazine in multiple languages, what could you do? • Consider starting with a bi-annual or quarterly magazine and save costs by publishing it digitally. • Also drive up subscriptions by starting the publication off with a low or free price supported by non-competitive advertising and then evaluate pricing structure once you have an audience.
  4. RED BULL – STRATOS JUMP • 708,445 Fans on Facebook • 1.236 Million talking about it • 50% of worldwide trending Topics on Twitter • 8 million streamed the jump live on YouTube • 151,000 results in Google News • 107,000 results in YouTube • Jump re-broadcasted several times across almost every TV network globally • Single image shown was seen on 1.1 million times in 36 hours
  5. NIKE – RESEARCH INTO OBESITY • 265 Links from 89 Domains • 10562 Facebook Likes/Shares • 607 Tweets • 139 Linkedin Shares • 7 Delicious Bookmarks
  6. MINT – PERSONAL FINANCE BLOG • 12,008 Links from 486 Domains • 160 Facebook Likes/Shares • 76 Tweets • 18 Google+ • 49 Pins • 20 Linkedin Shares • 318 Delicious Bookmarks
  7. TRAVELPOD – FLASH MAP GAME • 8,716 Links from 809 Domains • 49,305 Facebook Likes/Shares • 864 Tweets • 45 Google+ • 69 Pins • 38 Linkedin Shares • 1137 Delicious Bookmarks
  8. AMEX – OPEN FORUM • 28,175 Links from 2,419 Domains • 802 Facebook Likes/Shares • 589 Tweets • 110 Google+ • 10 Pins • 132 Linkedin Shares • 1143 Delicious Bookmarks
  9. SEOMOZ – OPEN YOUR DATA SETS • 1609 Links from 154 Domains • 476 Facebook Likes/Shares • 1174 Tweets • 623 Google+ • 43 Linkedin Shares • 1 Delicious Bookmark
  10. SIMPLY BUSINESS – INFOGRAPHIC • 364 Links from 100 Domains • 1013 Facebook Likes/Shares • 1569 Tweets • 517 Google+ • 185 Pinterest • 542 Linkedin Shares • 180 Delicious Bookmark
  11. COCA-COLA 2020 VISION • Great Content Takes Resources (Time & Effort) • Great Content Breaks the Mold • Great Content Doesnt Have to Be Big • Great Content Has Longevity (People come back) • Great Content is a great barrier to entry (Competitive Advantage) • Great Content Drives Bigger Ideas (MozCast)
  12. FUND ACADEMIC RESEARCH • Essex University psychologist researcher Andrew Przybylski found “just seeing a cell phone is bad for your relationship”. • Around 3,110 websites referenced his research paper.
  13. HALO4 – PRODUCE A SHORT TV SERIES 5×20 minute weekly episodes
  16. CONTENT MARKETING MATRIX • Entertain your audience around your brand • Inspire people to engage with your brands • Educate people about your products & services • Convince people your brand is awesome!
  17. CONTENT MARKETING MATRIX Content Tactic Budget Example Articles Offpage Low-Med Worst Places for First Dates Branded Videos Offpage Med Dress Code Tips for Dating Calculators OffPage Low-Med How likely are you to… Case Studies Content Med-High Successful Marriages Celebrity Endorsement OffPage Med-High Famous Singles? Checklist OffPage Low-Med Tips for picking a romantic restaurant Community Forums Offpage Low-Med Dating Advice Competitions Social & SEO Low Worst Dating Stories Data Sheet Content Low OKTrends Demo Videos Content Med How to setup your profile eBooks Offpage Med Choosing a Red Wine eNews Email Low Monthly Resturant Guides Games Social & SEO Med-High Pimp your apartment Guides OffPage Med Changes in Dating Habits Infographics OffPage Low-Med More Dangerous than online dating Interactive Demos OffPage Med Press Releases OffPage Low PRWeb & Newswire Product Features Content Low Most Popular Profile Items Quizzes Social Low What annoys you? Ratings Content Low Venues/Attractions Reviews OffPage Low-Med Trend Reports OffPage Low-Med Costs of a first date? Viral Offpage Low-Med Zombie Dating Webinars OffPage Med How to find a suitable partner White Papers Offpage Med-High Melbourne Dating Scene Widgets Offpage Low-Med Dating Suitability
  21. CATCH BREAKING NEWS EARLY • Setup automatic alerts for specific topics or news items. • You can tailor based on type of content • Beware of being overwhelmed and ignoring your alerts • You are not the only one doing this but if you move quick you can get the first mover advantage
  22. WHAT MIGHT BE MAKING NEWS • Sometimes this data can be delayed but is useful for planning what topics spiked previously at key points in the year • Can give you insights into what related terms you might be missing • Can give you insights on if you need to tailor content to geographic areas
  23. WHAT’S POPULAR OR VIRAL • The advantage is that you can tailor the content to your purposes. • You can follow particular topics • If gives you insights on how many people are following each topic • It also gives you an idea of what is popular, what is being liked, shared or getting the most comments
  24. WHAT’S BEING SHARED SOCIALLY • While it’s mostly a platform for building a follower based on Twitter it does have good insight into what’s is good to share • You can create your own newsletters to track what competitors or your affiliates are sharing on social • There are also staff picked newsletters that offer some insight Follow the ones with the into their higher quality most views and look for staff picks! • There are also extra benefits within the editor field if you is good enough to be picked by staff
  25. WHAT PEOPLE ARE ASKING • To get the most out of Quora you should be engaging with the community, following questions and adding your insights • It’s fairly easy to quickly build up a list of potential topics people have asked on Quora • Consider the answers as potential insights for your content piece and identify experts that you can reach out to for your piece • Understand what questions are getting the most responses and how you could produce a piece of content around that topic
  26. WHAT IS ALREADY OUT THERE • There are a number of free platforms that allow you to quickly gain insights from multiple platforms at once • There are limitations around long tail, obscure and technical terms • It’s a quick way to get some instant insight into what topic titles you can use as a seed list • The downside is there is no context around the suggestions offered
  27. SEARCH MULTIPLE MEDIA PLATFORMS • If you are producing topic around new areas or breaking news items, multiple media items can help form insight quickly • It’s also a good way to understand what types of content is being shared/pushed around your topic or themes • You can also identify key content partners that might be able to assist you • These are also quick ways to track negative press and understand what is being shared
  28. SOFTWARE ASSISTANCE • Another great paid tool for being lists of potential topics at scale • My best success with this platform was producing 1 article topic that accounted for 15% of the websites entire organic traffic • You need to be focused and cull any topics that are just too far off brand • They do have a new feature of click to order a specific post on that topic
  29. SOFTWARE ASSISTANCE • If you are using a WordPress platform for your blog/site then you can get some help with scaling your content marketing by using specific software plugins. • There are limits to what it can do but it can do a lot of the heavy lifting for many businesses.
  31. CONTENT CURATING • These platforms can be used for curating of all the content found online. • They also help structure and direct what to do with all that content. • These platforms also allow for media items to be added to give context 30
  32. SCHEDULE YOUR CONTENT • Once you understand how much content you are needing to produce start to schedule the work across your teams. • Also consider the path an article must travel from brain storming to creation to being published. • Be flexible on processes and review to reduce roadblocks if you are slipping behind on delivery. 31
  34. TRACK CONTENT MARKETING • Creation Metrics – Traffic, Sources, Social Shares • Manager Metrics – Signups, Conversion %, CPL, Awareness, Marketshare • CEO Metrics – ROI, Costs, Revenue Gauge the overall engagement with your content, but can be harder off-site but you can look at attribution metrics based on referral touch points. Also consider automation of tracking your metrics and quarterly reviews and even update past figures with fresh data for best analysis.
  35. HOW TO MAKE CONTENT MARKETING WORK 1. Increase Customer Retention & Increase Lifetime Value 2. Reduce Customer Service Costs, Reduce CPL 3. Increase Site Traffic, More Signups
  36. FIND CONTENT GAPS & WHATS WORKING • Focus on content that drives highest amount of quality traffic • Focus on Consistent Topics/Themes • Implement those learnings in new content • Analyse paths to purchase what are challenges content can solve? What pieces help customers towards the end of the signup process? Customer service feedback notes? • Track SEO traffic, inbound referrals, most downloaded/shared content
  38. MEASURE SUCCESS OF CONTENT • Google+ has a great feature for understanding how your content might have gone viral but also who are the key influences your want to engage with to get that reach. • The problem with Ripples is they under report as they only show what content has been shared publically not within their circles.
  39. REACH THAT ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH • Touch point between advert and actual purchase “includes research process online looking for reviews and coupons“. • Google points out average shopper uses 10.7 sources of information before making a purchase, how many pieces of content do you have out there?
  40. HAVE SOME FUN WITH CONTENT! • Understand your audience but also how it suits content syndication channels. This example is a bit of fun but the type of content that goes viral on social media. • The downside to this content is you can’t easily find the original creator and footer notes for authorship are easily removed when people are seeding your content across social media channels. • Consider using recognisable colour schemes, characters or icon graphics when creating this type of content.
  41. CONSIDER MEDIA CONSUMPTION • It’s typically important at a high level to understand the different content pieces and when they might be consumed. • Understand when planning your content where particular pieces might fit into these consumption periods. • This also highlights the importance of using multiple content types to reach your audience and build your brand.
  42. REACH DISTRACTION CHANNELS • Understand how your content is being syndicated to ensure it is reaching the right distraction point. • Also consider how you can develop content to reach particular points of distraction and how you can extend the distraction beyond a casual glance to engagement.
  44. PROTECT YOUR CONTENT! • While Panda algorithm updates has taken a chunk out of the value of scraped content, it’s still important to understand the scale of the theft and who is the culprits. • Often it may just be a minor infringement by one of your partners or an affiliate but it can be an opportunity to request a link as original creator of the content. • You can also use platforms like Copyscape to understand what content is popular and adjust your content marketing calendar to produce more items around those topics. • This is also important to understand if you are extensively using guest posts, sponsored posts or digital PR.
  45. WHO LIKES YOUR IMAGES? • Google Image search is a quick way to do this but for a detailed report, TinEye is one of the leading platforms for finding who is using your images. • This is key for understanding which of your affiliates might be pushing the envelope too far or who is claiming credit for your awesome infographic without giving credit. • They also offer an API if you are trying to deduplicate member profile photos automatically.
  47. UNDERSTAND SOCIAL SHARING PATH • This is important when trying to push content to the largest possible audience, but also worthwhile understanding when looking for fresh content ideas on what is currently gaining traction via social platforms. • It’s important to test these paths and see what suits your audience best and highlights the problem with posting the same content at the same time to multiple channels.
  48. WHAT WORKS ON FACEBOOK? • It’s important if you are producing content you consider tailoring to the platform, typically images and video significantly out perform text status updates. • Also put any items via the mum test (would you send this to your mum) before posting to your fan page. • Also if a posted content item provokes a negative response consider taking it down asap and quickly post a status update about the removed content item and why it was removed.