AdWords certification seeks to improve the relationship and training available to SEM Agencies and Digital Agencies from Google
Google announced today on their AdWords Agency blogspot that they have started rolling out a new Google Certified Partner program that focuses on AdWords. The new AdWords certification seeks to improve the relationship and training available to SEM Agencies and Digital Agencies. Much of the feedback has been around not enough training or certification in AdWords and how Google can reduce costs for those using AdWords APIs.
After recently gaining this Certification it will be interesting to see how this pans out
I recently passed the Advanced Search exam, it’s not too hard if you spend 3 or 4 hours in the exam revision centre. But to be fair there is no chance of passing if you have no idea what you are doing.
But it is a bit of a step backwards to reduce the min. 90 day spend requirement from $100,000 to $10,000..
Jordan, thank you for the feedback so it sounds like its an easy task of just refreshing your knowledge in a few new areas. So maybe more people will take the Advanced search exams or will it just reduce the value of those who have already taken it?
Since everyone will now have to take 2 exams (the fundamentals and one of the advanced ones), there will definitely be a lot more exams being sat in the near future!
Also, since the min. spend has been reduced, I guess there will also be a lot more AdWords Certified Partner companies around in the near future too..
According to Google partner search, there are currently 546 companies that ‘service’ the UK. I expect that number will grow substantially..
It also looks like there is only ONE AdWords Certified Partner in Northern Ireland – PPCNI
Thank you for the comment and well its kinda like going back to school with all these exams… I agree that there should be a lot more AdWords companies but I’m yet to see any movement even some of the bigger agencies still only have a Google AdWords Individual on their website and tradeshow slides. wow I didn’t think there was so many companies in the UK looking after AdWords, but I guess not all are based in the UK some just want UK clients who pay in pounds 🙂
Congrats on being the only AdWords Certified Partner in Northern Ireland and good luck continuing to grow!
Yes, it looks like it’s very easy to say that you cover loads of countries.
I do agree with you that the majority of marketing companies don’t seem to place much emphasis on the certification which is odd, unless they are worried about employees getting qualified and then moving to a competitor or requesting a pay rise!
And it is like going back to school. Sitting the exams with their devious questions is far from enjoyable, but worth it in the end (I think)…
Nice article. As Jordan says, it will be interesting to see if many more AdWords Certified Partners appear with this change. I’m pleased to say that after the 90 days wait, Search Scientist Ltd is now also a Google AdWords Certified Partner – That still just makes two in Northern Ireland. will be updated shortly with the partner badges. It’s currently undergoing a bit of a makeover.