I have been using Bing as my primary search engine for a number of months now and I found an interesting result today that is shaking up the traditional idea of 10 results. It seems Bing is now experimenting with showing 5-7 organic results to users. The user experience on desktop is great not having to scroll down and I assume it would be even better on small devices such as mobile phones or tablet devices.
Example 1 – You can see the search I did for Imgur below shows all the results above the fold and no Ads!

Example 2 – You can also see the same thing for a search for Reddit shows 7 results with only 2 results below the fold and no Ads!

It will be very interesting to see if Bing has some data to share about why it much such a change for branded search traffic. It’s also interesting that they are showing no Ads on these results either so it’s a brilliant result for brands capturing more of their organic traffic. A quick check on a number of product/commercial terms shows they still show the standard 10 results with Ads so it might be a tactical strategy to improve the Bing traffic profile for some brands?