Adam Pacitti has taken an interesting proactive response in a last ditch effort to get a job in the hyper competitive UK media market. He has launched a viral marketing campaign to attract interest of employers by running a campaign on a billboard in central London. The 24 year old graduate has also produced a cheeky video that outlines his past work experience and past success in viral marketing “the girl of my dreams”. His initial tweet has received around 14,493 tweets and 1553 favourites at the time of this blog post and his YouTube video CV embedded below receiving 48,283 views and 598 comments. He is also been quite successful in gaining media attention globally with at least 4730 news articles published around his billboard campaign.
One of the first media personalities to cover the Employ Adam campaign was Joel Stocker who conducted a radio interview with Adam Pacitti, who was at the time just a guy from the Isle of Wight who has gone on a job hunt with a difference. The interview is worth a listen to and credit to Joel for reaching out to Adam for that interview so quickly.
So if you are looking for someone that goes the extra mile to get noticed why not check out Adam Pacitti’s campaign page.