Is all forgiven are we all just friends again?
Let’s start this with I’m not say crash hot on the idea of whole domains being remove from the search index unless its Malware/Criminal. But for most sites at some point one of your many keywords you are trying to rank #1 for risk losing some ranking positions due to a number of external factors, is just a fact of business for most websites as the rankings loss can be attributed to bad seo, poor site design, terrible server response rates or competitors doing it better link building/content creation than you.
So about 2 years ago the hammer of Google went down on and their entire domain was removed from Google’s results at the time there was discussion around the impact on their business and that they would possibly now reliant on Google AdWords if they wanted to survive. Instead they focused on improving and increasing their affiliate network and it seemed that it didn’t really stop or slow the company down, so it boiled down to more of a PR issue. Google could show the industry what happens when you aggressively and in plain view of the search engines flaunt the benefits of buying and selling links, they made sure that when doing a brand name search for the company only their affiliates and competitors would show up.
But it seems that with the new Google algorithm’s being rolled out in the last few weeks that is now back in the search results for both domains including the and using Google Instant, it’s actually recommending you should check it out as it offers it as the primary instant result.

Not to be left out of the argument the old Digg platform banned all the way back in 2006, but great news it seems that all past errors and transgressions have been forgiven with the new Digg v4 and I apologise ahead of time to those who follow me on Digg and thought ive lost the plot by digging an affiliate signup page it was a test for this article.

So I wanted to explorer more about Text-Link-Ads and see how Google’s own Trends for Website tool would provide for Text Link Ads including a number of similar sites that their clients visit. The screen shot list below shows that while a majority of the search traffic is for the brand name there is a few related tasks projects that you would explore before making a decision or buy or sell links with Text Link Ads.

These are the types of activities I suspect is going on based on the type of services Text Link Ads offers with each stage likely involving a visit to The first part of the process in building a new website would be to start finding out what is this SEO thing, then you have to find out what keywords/trends you should consider targeting again using Google’s own platform. Look at how much money you are going to spend on link building or buying and now you know how much you have left to build the website. Now that you have an idea look at what options you have for WordPress themes, add site & verify in webmaster tools and then look at Adsense to see how you can start to monetise the site.
All is forgiven?
So the question is after all the affiliate and banner advertising across pretty much every SEO/Industry blog and the algorithm updates has Google given up on trying to punish Text-Link-Ads and just let them rank organically for their own brand terms initially and eventually for their products/services.