The Next Web Kills off Twitaholic? (Updated)

11:55pm Update – The site now appears to be live again see the comments below it was sever issues

In what was a bit of a surprise as I was trying to update the social stats for one of my Twitter accounts, I noticed that I was receiving 404 errors from a book mark I had just saved yesterday.  When I tried to visit the homepage I noticed this banner had replaced Twitaholic. I searched for news of the announcement but couldn’t find anything online so did this just happen?

The Next Web

The move has happened in the past 18 hours and Google still has hundreds of thousands if not millions of pages still in it’s index with any subpage resolving to a 404 error.  It’s only the homepage that shows the TNW banner.

Site Search

I did check against site analytics and they advised the site had very little traffic so maybe it was a business decision to cut the site if it was no longer attracting enough demand to support the costs?

I have emailed TNW to see if they have anything to add about the sudden change? They have replied in the comments below that it was server issues and there is no plans to kill off Twitaholic, so all is well 🙂

6 Replies to “The Next Web Kills off Twitaholic? (Updated)”

    • Ah thanks Alistair well yes it’s up again now, I did think it was strange that it would vanish like that but certainly a massive concern if they have that screen as the default. It wouldn’t take much to have some custom 404 error pages in place….

  • The server, which hosts Twitaholic, experienced an outage starting around 11pm CET, lasting for 5 hours.

    The screen that you see above is our default screen for the entire server. When you hit a domain that points to this server, and it can’t resolve it through Apache, it will show this screen. Since we’re hosting multiple services, we can’t make a more specific page. At this time we’re checking why it fell through, and didn’t show a Twitaholic error message.

    Anyway, there are no plans to shut down Twitaholic, not now, not in the foreseeable future.

    • Hello Sam,

      Ah wonderful news I was thinking something was up but the default 404 error page was what threw me, but glad to hear the platform will remain online. It’s a great platform and probably the first and be known for Twitter statics.


  • Wow, that was fast reporting, TNW style! 🙂
    Sorry for the inconvenience and we’re checking what the cause could have been and we’ll try to avoid it happenning again.

    Glad to hear you enjoy the service, do you also use TwitterCounter?

    • Hello Julio,

      Thanks if I wasn’t in the middle of something I wouldn’t have noticed so quickly but did a bunch of checks to make sure it wasn’t me but awesome how quick their team could respond but also get it back online.

      I’ve actually had some use of your tool in the past, according to your platform Tracking since February 3, 2009 so that’s 3 years and a bit.


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