Google Testing 3 Organic Results?

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In a move that might result in marketers having kittens and jumping from Rooftops has Google gone too far? In a sample query run today in a Chome “incognito” window I noticed that the results were a little different. There was 3 organic results and 7 Google places results. That’s right only 10 results with 30% being organic…

Update: I’ve seen it happen again this time with 6 places and 6 organic results.

6 Google Places and 6 Organic Results
6 Google Places and 6 Organic Results


3 Replies to “Google Testing 3 Organic Results?”

  • Are you sure that you are not getting hybrid places listings? Do another search in places on its own and post a picture.

    Are you on fixed line or mobile broadband?


    • Andrew, I did the search on my PC running on ADSL but tried to replicate it again and I couldn’t replicate it. Darryl King said he saw the same thing last night on a search he did.

  • Andrew, it’s a standard Google “everything” result, it showed up again this time with 6 places and 6 organic results. If I select “more places results” I get a full page of just places listings.

    It doesn’t appear to be a hybrid result it seems to be the new Organic results which are being tested.

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