Is it too early for Facebook to back-flip on its promise to make its platform free for developers to generate revenue?
Continue ReadingFacebook fan pages overwhelm business
Facebook doesn’t charge advertisers to create fan pages benefiting the 83 of the top 100 US advertisers
Continue ReadingUnified ECM vs Facebook
The ad model that is being disputed is CPM which advertisers typically pay a specified amount for every 1,000 page views or ad impressions.
Continue ReadingYahoo Advertising Values
Instead of trying to fight the move towards other platforms, Yahoo has moved to make integration easier for its 300+ million users.
Continue ReadingGeneral Motors fails using only email marketing
GM working to save a brand by running email marketing in a silo, without the support of a social media campaign, seems to be a campaign that is doomed to fail.
Continue ReadingUsernames landrush on Facebook
Developers will have to wait a bit longer for username support as Facebook is still not allowing usernames to be accessible through its Platform API
Continue ReadingUniversal Music Gets Online iTunes Sponsored YouTube
Easily share the official Universal YouTube tracks on Facebook, show fan support on Myspace or Tweet it out to friends legally…
Continue ReadingFacebook encourages Vanity
Facebook now allows users to personalise their facebook url (web address) by selecting a unique username similar to This…
Continue ReadingGoogle Adsense to tweet
While companies struggle to make their fortunes overnight with social media campaigns using two of the larger platforms Facebook &…
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