
Google Adsense Refreshed

The platform has moved a fair bit forward from version2 to the current version3 and much of the reports does make the platform a lot more friendly for preparing client reports straight from the interface so there might be a renewed push around Adsense partners in 2011.

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Gmail Contacts vs Facebook Contacts

As there is no Places API and this is a one way relationship is it really fair to call out Facebook over it’s own selfish aspirations to be the centre of your social universe if Google Places is also a dead end street?

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Google Instant Censors

Google Instant is both retraining what users search for and how they find information, but the big issue is that censorship seems to play a larger role than many would like

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Top 1000 websites incorrect

The Top 1000 website list is extensive but well I’ve discovered that it’s not actually that accurate as a number of the sites listed as having no advertising have plenty available

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